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Frequently Asked Questions 

Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions I receive.


What is different about your program verses others out there?

From day one I am teaching you a new way of eating. Lifestyle change with proper nutrition and good eating habits are established to insure long lasting results. This is NOT a fad diet so you won’t be thinking, “Oh, I can’t wait until this is over.” Rather you will be thinking, “Wow, I've never felt better!” Also, I meet with you one-on-one two to three times a week. Knowing you’re coming in this often keeps you on target; you will be more compliant and successful. Seeing the scale go down every weigh-in keeps you motivated too!


How much will I lose?

​The average client loses 8 to 10 lbs their first two weeks. It all depends how compliant you are to the program. Strict adherence produces a healthy and steady weight loss of 2 ½ to 3 lbs. a week. If you are constantly deviating from the program, your progress will be very slow.


Do I need to exercise?

Yes! It is recommended to exercise 150 minutes per week. This means 30 minutes five days a week or 40 minutes four times a week. However, you don’t need to join a gym. Walking briskly around your neighborhood, riding a bike, or even just turning on some music and dancing your heart out in your own front room is sufficient.


Every time I go on a diet I get hungry.  Will I be hungry on this program?

No! The whole concept of this program is to teach you how to keep your blood sugar level stable. Many times people quit diets because it’s too restrictive and you don’t get enough food. On this reducing program you WILL eat, and eat until you are satisfied. You’re also encouraged to snack throughout the day.


I've lost weight a thousand times and gained it all back.  Losing weight has been easy, it’s keeping it off that’s hard.  Will this time be any different?

Losing weight is only half the battle. I will be there for you every step of the way. That includes following up the reducing phase with six weeks of stabilization. After stabilization you will go on maintenance for 6 months to a year. Continued weigh-ins and counseling are imperative to your success.

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